Smoked salmon carpaccio with watercress, beetroot and horseradish

Preparation: 30 minutes    Serves: 4


  • 400g smoked salmon, bloodline removed

  • 1 purple beetroot

  • 1 candy beetroot

  • 1 golden beetroot

  • 4 radishes

  • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar

  • ½ tbsp. capers

  • 1 tbsp strong horseradish cream

  • 100ml double cream

  • Good handful watercress

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Sea salt and black pepper


1. Thinly slice the radishes, then add to a small bowl with the white wine vinegar. Leave for 30 minutes before removing and draining on kitchen towel.

2. Peel the three types of beetroot and slice as thinly as possible Add the slices to a bowl of ice water to ensure that they retain their freshness and colour. The ice should also cause the slices to curl into and attractive shape.
3. Lightly whip the double cream, then fold in the horseradish and add a pinch of salt.
4. Lay the smoked salmon on four starter plates in a rectangle. Arrange a few slices of radish and beetroot on the plates, then scatter over the capers.
5. Use two teaspoons to shape the horseradish cream into quenelles, then add 3 to each plate, placed randomly. Finally scatter over some watercress, drizzle with olive oil and finish with some sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.