Q: Is it safe to eat raw watercress?

A: Yes, it is safe to eat watercress raw! Watercress is predominantly sold as a “Washed and Ready to Eat” product in thousands of retailer stores nationwide. This process ensures the watercress is not only grown to strict growing standards but is also washed and prepared for consumption. If you have any questions regarding this specifically you could contact the retailers directly. Otherwise or if you are unsure we would advise you to wash watercress as you would any other fruit or vegetable.

Q: What are the health benefits of eating watercress?

  1. Helps stop and slows skin ageing - Elastin and Collagen in the skin are broken down by sunlight. A compound called Isothiocyanate (ITC) and vitamin C which are found in watercress can help STOP and prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin and lead to more production of collagen leading to younger, healthier and more elastic skin. This will therefore reduce cellulite and wrinkles.

  2. Helps Lower Blood Pressure – Watercress contains nitrates that help create elasticity and in the blood vessels which therefore lowers blood pressure.

  3. Helps maintain healthy iron levels – Watercress contains high levels of iron, unusual in vegetables and necessary to convert energy in our food to be active and essential for growth and development. Iron in vegetables, however, is impossible to be absorbed unless Vitamin C is also present to change the iron into the same form that’s so easy to absorb from red meat (known as haem iron). 80g of watercress contains more Vitamin C than an orange of the same weight and so means that the iron in the watercress is absorbed more easily.    

  4. Improves Eye health – Compounds Lutein and Zeaxanthin are found in watercress. These help block blue light from reaching the retina meaning a reduction in light induced oxidative damage which would lead to age related macular degeneration (AMD).

Q: Is watercress a superfood?

A: Yes, watercress is a superfood! A superfood can be defined as: ‘a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.’ Watercress has been listed as one of the top superfoods due to all the wonderful nutrient rich compounds found within it. These compounds not only have many major health benefits such as fighting the spread of breast and colon cancer, increasing antioxidant levels in the blood, helping fight DNA damage and improving eye health (to name a few of the long list of benefits) but also help athletic performance. Therefore it is listed as a superfood as it has so many diverse benefits on health and wellbeing. Read more about the specific health benefits and compounds found within watercress.

Q: Is watercress safe to eat during pregnancy?

A: YES OF COURSE! Watercress is packed with lots of vital compounds and nutrients that are not only great for you as a pregnant mother but for your baby meaning a healthier and more comfortable growing environment for your youngster to thrive. Watercress is high in the nutrient folate, folate helps keep away neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida and also helps as an antidepressant for expecting mothers. Our watercress is also very high in Vitamin C and calcium. These nutrients help boost your immunity saving you from any unwanted illnesses at this important time and also the calcium is great for your expecting babies bone health and development.

Q: Where can I read about scientific studies featuring watercress?

A: On this site, which not only goes into detail about the health and athletic performance benefits of watercress but also gives peer reviewed journals and research papers into the scientific studies carried out by researchers on the health benefits of the product. See the top menu “Health benefits”

Q: Are there any side effects of consuming watercress?

A: No. Like anything, eating watercress as part of a balanced nutritional diet will not have any side effects on the body. Only good health benefits will come from eating this superfood. SO GET EATING!

Q: Can consuming watercress aid in weight loss?

A: In one word, YES. Watercress has so many different wonderful compound and micro nutrients in that supports our weight loss and athletic performance. One of the main benefits of watercress on performance is its ability to help prevent DNA damage and lipid peroxidation (damage to cell tissues and muscles) caused by exercise. Exercise, whether its lifting weights, running or a Pilates class puts stress on the body which causes DNA damage. This causes a higher number of toxic free radicals and the hormone cortisol to be released. Both these processes severely slow the weight loss process and can even reverse the effect of exercise as too much cortisol (stress hormone) and toxins caused by exercise can actually make our body put on fat around your mid-section especially in response to a prolonged stressful environment. By helping eliminate and minimise DNA damage watercress and aid our weight loss journey tremendously.

Q: What goes well with watercress?

A: You can eat watercress with nearly everything! If you’re stuck for ideas on how to cook with watercress, try our watercress recipe library to find new and delicious ways to enjoy it.